quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2014

O pensamento pós-secular, tema de conferência do Prof. Manuel Sumares em Iasi (Roménia)

> O Prof. Doutor Manuel Sumares proferiu no passado dia 05 de setembro de 2014 a Conferência intitulada: "Religious Experience and Philosophizing: Eastern and Western Paradigms in a Post-Secular Environment", na Universidade de Iasi, na Roménia.
Esta conferência integrou o Colóquio "Religious Experience and philosophizing", organizado pela Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. 
Iasi é um lugar histórico no contexto universitário romeno e o primeiro sítio aonde o estudo de filosofia se estabeleceu naquele País.

> Resumo da Conferência
"Current post-secular thinking raises issues about the historical contingency of the secular mind and permits a reopening of metaphysical questions closely associated to theism, i.e., to the viability of the ground of being as personal. In the West, John Milbank and Charles Taylor have, in different ways, traced how a truly open mind can question the limits, artificially imposed by the political and
theological projects that shaped modernity, has led to nihilism, and has totally marginalised the philosophical potential contained in the patristic synthesis of the Greek Fathers of the East. We find in the work of Michel Henry a possibility of dislocating the Western bias on conceptualisation toward the patristic understanding of the Incarnation.
This not only suggests the concurrence of divine life into all that is human, but also provides philosophy with radically different parameters for thought than that proposed by the pagan philosophy of the Hellenic world and, as well, that of the modern secularity that still influences ours."

> Recorde-se  que o Prof. Manuel Sumares tem vindo a desenvolver no Centro de Estudos Filosóficos e Humanísticos da Faculdade de Filosofia da UCP um projecto de investigação no âmbito da temática "O Pensamento Pós-Secular", tendo dado origem a diversos Colóquios Internacionais e cujos seminários têm atraído um bom número de participantes.